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The Real Ghost Stories

Activity At Lynhurst Drive 

When I was 15 going on 16 I moved to St

Thomas Ont

To live with my Mother and her Husband

As soon as I had stepped foot into the house I was very uneasy

Every time I went up the stairs to my bedroom I had my back literally against the wall and the feeling of someone behind me would make my head spin

The first few months I got there (summer break) I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep before 5am

No matter how tired I was

Falling asleep before that time was out of the question for some reason still unknown to me. My Bathroom was in the basement and I had 2 sliding doors on either side of the washroom

I would always lock both, shower, come out of the shower and they would both be unlocked and about a half an inch open

At first I convinced myself that I forgot and started double checking the doors, and it would continue to happen

We got a dog and she would just stare down into the basement and whimper and cry

I would bring her down into the washroom with me to feel safe when I was really freaked out but the whole time she would howl and cry and bark and be in complete panic mode. I would come home from school and my mom would be talking to herself (she worked from home) I'd go check on her and she thought I was already home she heard "me" come in and saw my shadow on the wall

That happened a few times The biggest thing that would scare me about this house was in the middle of night (always between 3-4am) I would wake up on my back (I sleep on my stomach) with my legs straight out ankles crossed and my arms would be stretched out to either side hands and wrists under pillow
(Basically like a crucifix)

This happened on and off the whole time I lived there. My mom and her husband divorced and we moved out
